Undergraduate Study

The School of Languages offers undergraduate education in six languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Italian and Portuguese. The programs, given for each of these languages, are organized into three different tracks which center around research, teaching or translation, respectively.


They focus on research and are offered in:

  • German Language and Literature
  • Spanish as a Native and Foreign Language
  • French Language and Literature
  • English Language and Literature
  • Italian Language and Literature

They are offered in:

  • German Language
  • Spanish as a Native and Foreign Language
  • French Language
  • English Language
  • Italian Language
  • Portuguese Language

They earn you the degree of “National Sworn Translator” and are offered in:

  • German
  • French
  • English
  • Italian

Program Structure

Click on each of the six languages below to see the subjects organized by program and year. Click on a subject to download its syllabus (available only in Spanish).







Occupational Fields


Licentiates of Spanish as a Native and Foreign Language are trained to design and develop research in the areas of theoretical and applied linguistics, to design and develop educational research in the field of language teaching and learning, and to design and elaborate cultural, scientific, academic, and informative texts. Moreover, they can teach linguistics and literature at university level.

Licentiates can do research in the fields of language and literature, provide solutions to linguistic problems, design cultural plans, programs and projects, and create, manage, execute, and supervise publishing programs.

Their work in research offices, departments, or centers in the fields of literature or linguistics shows the relevance that official and private institutions attach to research.


Teachers of Spanish as a Native and Foreign Language are trained to teach Spanish as a native and foreign language in the spheres of formal and non-formal education, develop teaching materials for online and onsite education systems, and design and prepare cultural, scientific, academic, and informative texts.

Teachers of foreign languages are trained to teach a foreign language at different educational levels, in official and private institutions, as well as to design, manage, execute, and monitor programs for adult training for specific purposes, in official or private institutions.

Their employment opportunities are closely linked to the significant position that language learning has in the third millennium.


National Sworn Translators are trained to translate texts and public and private documents from a foreign language to their native language and vice versa, in the commercial, scientific, legal, literary, journalistic, and technical fields.

Furthermore, they can participate in research centers, provide terminology and documentation services, and also be reviewers and linguistic advisors on the foreign language they have specialized in as required by the interested party (social media, libraries, associations, advertising and tourism agencies) working as an employee or a freelance translator.

Translators can also be conference, congress, symposium, and international meeting interpreters.

Their job is intricately connected to the cultural, scientific, and political spheres of the society in which they work.

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